Solar PV Installations

Your complete commercial solar installation partner

Installing commercial solar systems involves navigating dozens of network operators and electricity retailers, hundreds of panel and inverter choices, and thousands of design, engineering, and safety considerations.

But at Solar Suite, we make it simple.

We specialise in designing, supplying, and installing commercial solar PV systems between 99 kW and 10 MW. For businesses and property owners investing in solar energy, we are a complete project partner offering exceptional dedication, professionalism, and attention to detail.

From our many years of industry experience, we know that planning and installing a commercial solar system is a highly nuanced process. For this reason, there are many important steps we may need to undertake prior to the installation, including:


We assess the customer’s electricity bills and interval data to analyse their power consumption and existing supply contracts and tariffs. These inform our solar equipment options, system layout, and ROI calculations.

Site desktop reviews

We identify visual elements that may impact project costs, including panel layouts, roof or access constraints, safety requirements, and shading limitations.

Site inspections

Our electricians perform a physical site inspection to generate a fixed-price quotation and collect information required for network and regulatory approvals.

Electricity network applications

We lodge all necessary connection applications and arrange the required payments to ensure fast approvals.

Structural engineering certificates

Once we have a final solar design and panel layout, we can arrange a structural engineering certificate.

Building permits

Some states require building permits for commercial solar installations. With our building surveyor sign-off, we can reduce your permit fees and shorten the approval period from months to days.

In addition to our preliminary work, we offer a complete suite of services to ensure a timely and efficient installation:

Grid connection approvals

We use our industry knowledge and experience to navigate the intricacies of gaining network connection approval, ensuring a fast and hassle-free process.

Ground-mount systems

We install most commercial systems on rooftops, but can also design and install solar carports and ground-mounted frames to maximise your efficiency and ROI.

Final system commissioning

Our in-house electrical and engineering staff can commission your commercial system, saving the time and cost of outsourcing to a 3rd party.

Solar Suite has the experience, staff, and industry relationships needed to complete your solar installation to the highest possible standard. If you’d like more information about our installation services, contact our team for a free consultation.